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It was 1817 when Humphrey Posey, the first missionary to the Native Americans, and Evan Jones, who translated the New Testament into the language of the Cherokee nation, came to this beautiful Valley of the River.  Since those early days a continuous Christian witness of the people called Baptist has been practiced throughout and beyond this community.


By 1837 the First Baptist Church of our community was established with nine charter members, two of which were Native Americans. Descedants of some of these charter members are yet a part of Peachtree Memorial Baptist Church.  


From the first log structure in 1837 to a more modern framed building in 1880, to a building of native stone dedicated for worship in 1953, Peachtree Baptists have continued to grow numerically and more importantly spiritually.


Currently this Baptist family worships in a new facility of steel and stone on Highway 141 adjacent to Peachtree Elementary School.  This family is anchored in the blood of Jesus Christ.  The Bible continues to be our textbook.  Our field of missions begins at the front door and extends to the ends of the earth.


We continue to teach and preach Jesus Christ- His life, death, burial, resurrection, and imminent return.


Come be a part of this historical and progressive family of faith.

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